
/211 - Sundaze

Granular loops, straight from the couch. Battery powered devices are wonderful. The weekend went by really fast!

/209 - Disintegration Loops

As much as I like loop-based music and drones, I don’t tend to enjoy (with some notable exceptions) repetitions of short loops for extended periods of time. This morning I ended up with a loop out of Compass that I meditated on for a very long time. Tonight I ran it through the reel to reel for some saturation and wow/flutter, but it wasn’t too long before the tape snapped. Very old tape plus wheels that need grease, go figure.

/126 - Looops

We didn’t go outside for a walk today, but we probably should have because I think we’re all a bit stir crazy. Looks like it’s supposed to be warm again tomorrow so at least we didn’t miss our chance this weekend.

Have been back into playing music again lately — it’s always been my best form of meditation so it’s extra important for me with all that’s going on. The sounds have been a bit hit or miss, but I keep playing and keep recording so I suppose that’s what’s most important. Just keep going.

/029 - Shifting

My family was supposed to visit for a small after-holiday brunch, but had to cancel last minute due to illness so we found ourselves with a whole day and no plans. Used the opportunity to organize and downsize some of the boxes and places that have been sitting since we moved in (a year ago…). Wanted to get outside with the h4n pro, but got rained out. Maybe tomorrow.

Made some softly floating/shifting drones this morning with guitar > el cap > cranes > wedge. A little bit stuck in the rut of looping volume swells, but when it sounds so lovely it’s kind of hard to stop.